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Secure & Scalable & Systems (3S)

The 3S team brings together a diverse group of multidisciplinary experts from various institutions and professional fields. Each member possesses relevant backgrounds in different research areas, contributing unique perspectives and expertise to the team. With their combined knowledge and skills, they are well-equipped and poised to implement Secure, Scalable, and Systems solutions, ensuring robust and effective outcomes.

Research Themes

Big Data Systems Design

Privacy & Security

Ongoing Projets

VRR project

Privacy in Big Data systems

Partners: Ministry of Public Health

CRM-funded project

Drone-based multi-target systems

Partners: Military Research Center

CPR project with CNCT

Smart City

Partners: CNCT, Bizerte GDPR


Takoua Abdellatif

Senior Researcher|3S Team Leader | Associate Professor ENISO&EPT

Takoua Abdellatif received the engineering degree in IT from the Engineering School, ENSIMAG, Grenoble, France, in 1998, and the Ph.D. degree in autonomic management in JavaEE clusters from INRIA, in 2006. She worked as a Research and Development Engineer on HP telecom platform with Hewlett Packard, Grenoble, for five years. Then, she was a Research Engineer with Bull/Grenoble on systems’ scalability and fault-tolerance. She is currently an Associate Professor in IT with the University of Sousse and the École Polytechnique de Tunisie (EPT), Carthage University. She is also a Senior Researcher with the EPT/SERCOM Research Laboratory, coordinating the laboratory research activities around scalable and secure distributed systems.

DBLP: DBLP Pid: 5143


Imen Boudali

Assistant Professor | ISI-University of Tunis ElManar

Imen BOUDALI received the B.Sc degree in computer science applied to management and the MSc degree in modeling from the University of Tunis, Tunisia, in 2002 and 2004, respectively. She also obtained the PhD degree in computer science from the National School of Computer Sciences (ENSI) in December 2009. She worked for six years as an attached researcher within the research Lab SOIE (Strategies of Optimization of Information and Knowledge), Tunisia. Actually, she is a postdoctoral researcher at ENSI-Tunisia and she is an Assistant Professor of Computer Sciences in the University of Tunis-ElManar where she was a member of the scientific council. Her current research interests include: Multi-agent Systems, planning and scheduling problems, multi-objective optimization, multi-criteria decision aid, metaheuristics and their applications.



Ines Boussnina

Assistant Professor

Ines Boussnina is an Assistant Professor at ENSI University of Manouba. Her research interests span a wide array of topics, including but not limited to networking and communication technologies. She has a keen interest in areas such as Hop Count, Objective Function, Root Node, and Protocol Design, where she explores innovative approaches to enhance network performance and reliability.



Aymen Yahyaoui

Assistant Professor

Aymen Yahyaoui received the degree in computer science engineering from the Aviation School of Borj El Amri, in 2005, the M.S. degree in information system and network security from the High Institute of Computer Science, in 2007, the M.S. degree in modeling from the High Institute of Management, in 2009, and the M.S. degree in computer science from the Naval Postgraduate School, USA, in 2014. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Polytechnic School of Tunisia. He is also an Assistant Teacher with the Tunisian Military Academy of Fondouk Jedid. He works mainly on anomaly and intrusion detection in the IoT. He is also a member of the EPT/SERCOM Research Team.



Abed Melak Said

IoT & Big data engineer | PhD Student

Malik specialized earned his Telecommuni- cations Engineering degree from the Tunisian Mil- itary Academy in Tunisia, 2019. He also holds a Master of Advanced Engineering degree from the Tunisian Polytechnic School, in 2021. Currently, he is actively engaged in IoT security and privacy re- search and is a dedicated member of the EPT/SER- COM Research Team.



Maher Boughdiri

Blockchain & IoT engineer | PhD Student

Maher Boughdiri holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Tunisian Military Academy and a Master of Advanced Engineering from the Tunisian Polytechnic School. He is an IoT and blockchain developer, specializing in blockchain and IoT security and privacy research as a member of the EPT/SERCOM Research Team. Maher's research focuses on IoT communication protocols, edge IoT, compliance, security, and privacy. He is dedicated to enhancing blockchain scalability and security using advanced techniques like big data technologies, zero-knowledge proofs, and homomorphic encryption.



Yasine Gacha

Geomatic engineer | PhD Student

Yassine Gacha received the engineering degree in geomatic from the Aviation School of Borj El Amri, Tunisia, in 2022. He is currently working on surveillance systems using drones. His research interests include big data, deep learning, and quantum computing.



Recent Publications

Drone-IoT Processing

Big Data Processing

Anomaly Detection